Be a Family Coach

Help Families Thrive

You can play a vital role in Safe Families for Children (Safe Families) by volunteering as a Family Coach to help parents in crisis get back on their feet.

As a Family Coach, you will:

  • Support the Host Family. This ensures that families get the support and resources they need to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children.
  • Monitor children’s safety. Because safety is a top priority, the Family Coach begins assessing safety within 48 hours of a child moving in with the Host Family—and each week for at least a month.
  • Provide a family in need with resources, such as community referrals and assistance in making their appointments.
  • Facilitate the relationship between the Host Family and the Family in need with compassion and empathy.

You will also:

  • Listen to Host Families and Families in need. The Family Coach provides space for them to express their thoughts and concerns.
  • Manage expectations. For example, the Host Family may feel that they must fix problems or situations that are not their responsibility. Alternately, if a hosting arrangement seems longer than expected, the Family Coach is needed to temper expectations.
  • Show empathy, hope, grace, and compassion. We work hard to err on the side of grace.
  • Problem solve. Family Coaches work with the church and other community resources to assist Families in need.
  • Reassure. Stressful situations require a calm presence and the ability to give hope to those who may feel hopeless.

Volunteer to become a Family Coach and be sure to let us know if you have experience in child welfare or as a host family.
Be a Family Coach