Community Makes a Difference

The definition of a relationship according to google states that it is “the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected”.

When we find ourselves in relationships, we have a better chance of conquering life’s difficult tasks. The concept of connection is one of utmost importance when walking through hard and difficult times. Families in crisis often find themselves in situations that lack connection, and therefore breed isolation, fear, and pain. At Safe Families for Children, we believe in the power of a solid relationship, surrounding these families with caring, compassionate community, makes all the difference.


Safe Families for Children’s Connecticut chapter started in September of 2019. They only had a little bit of time to get their name out before the pandemic hit. During the holidays, and then throughout the lockdown orders, things slowed down for them. However, when their family coach ran into a woman part of the Southbury’s Woman’s Club, things changed, and Safe Families Connecticut shifted into action.

In September 2019, a single father with two young children had gotten into a bad accident, which resulted in a brain injury. He was managing to find rest during the day to heal his injury before the pandemic with daycares. When the lockdown hit in March of 2020, he began to struggle—due to the lack of rest, and his injury not fully healed, pain painted his days. Realizing he needed help, he reached out to the Southbury’s Woman’s Club, which was an organization that helps people with a variety of community needs.  They agreed to help as best they could, however he was still struggling.

Fatefully, someone from Southbury’s Woman’s club ran into Connecticut’s family coach, which lead to hearing about this single father. It took about six weeks for the father to agree finally agree to get in contact Connecticut’s director, Michelle Montague, for more information and help. As soon as he did, a plan was implemented to help him rest, and heal. Montague had implemented the support team set up through Church of New Life in Middlebury, Connecticut.

On July 26th, the team went to meet him and his children at their home. They discovered that the youngest (2 years old) had tested high for lead, which the father was still trying to find the source. His car was broken down, leaving him with no reliable transportation to and from the grocery store, or other necessities. To top it all off, the injuries were weighing heavy on him.

They agreed to help him clean up and paint his home, to rule out the immediate surroundings as the cause for the youngest’s issue. In order to do this, they arranged for a short hosting for the children, allowing for rest, and for the project to finish. People from the Church of New Life came to help make preparations before, during, and after the hosting. Especially when tropical storm Isaias hit, leaving the family without power for days, the team dropped in to check on him.

This is a story of amazing dedication, hospitality, and love towards a struggling father and his two children. These relationships with the Church team and Safe Families aided in this father’s ability to parent his children at a difficult moment. With just a little help and support, he was able to recover, secure a car, and clean and renovate his home.

Get involved

The vulnerable are in need of generosity, love, and support. The heart of Safe Families for Children is to support these parents in crisis, getting them back on their feet again. We are forever grateful for the parents that volunteer their own home to those children in crisis, and building community with those vulnerability.

We need you now more than ever, as we continue to aid these families in crisis during these times. We want to encourage you to join us in supporting and celebrating those parents in your community this Sunday, in ways that you are able–whether by time or donation.

Every single gift to Safe Families is matched with up to $1000 through our partnership with Stand Together. With every donation, you allow us to make a greater impact for God’s Kingdom, helping those vulnerable families, and displaying the love of Christ to them.

To learn more about who we are and how to get involved visit: