We were introduced to Safe Families when our own two girls were teenagers. We loved it from the get-go because it is centered around the Church being “the Church” by helping others through genuine hospitality. This was what we had been desiring to do. We always wanted to have more children but two is what we were blessed with so we felt hosting children would be a great fit for us.
Our first call was for three little ones: a 5 year old, a 2 year old and an 11 month old. They were temporarily living with grandpa who had taken ill and needed help for about 2 months until Mom could be back in their lives. No one in their direct area could take in three teeny ones at that time so we lived a little farther away than the expected. But thankfully my husband, Danny, and I both work from home and have flexibility in our schedules. So the 3 little ones would have us around 24/7 and not need daycare. So we said “yes”.
We ended up hosting them a lot longer than the 2 months and they grew to be part of our family. We shared a first birthday, summer fun, the first day of kindergarten, Christmas and so much more. We saw God’s hand in this situation from the very beginning and over the course of all the months we had them here. We can count at least 12 churches and many individuals that helped out!!! They helped with everything: cleaning the house (I was on the tail end of recovering from a back injury when we got the call!), helping baby-proof the house, preparing meals, clothes donations, a crib, toys and the list goes on and on and on. There is NO way we could have done this without the support of others! Our favorite part of Safe Families is that you aren’t doing it alone. You have others coming along side of you, whether or not you are a parent in need or a host family. We help support each other.
The Safe Families chapter in our area went through some changes recently and isn’t active in our immediate area at the moment. But we pray every day that this may change in the near future! Last summer, our oldest daughter got married almost exactly a year after the little ones went home. We have been able to stay in contact with them and so we invited all 3 littles to be in the wedding! They are truly knitted in our hearts and may not be family by blood but family by heart. <3
-Cindy and Danny Hone, Host Families
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