Here’s an honest and thoughtful snapshot one of our Family Friends shared about her experience with coming alongside one mom…
My relationship with mom has been challenging. She wasn’t immediately warm or welcoming, often canceled our appointments at first. When the Safe Families staff suggested I offer to babysit for an afternoon so mom could run some errands, I was open, but my mind immediately went to all the ways this could go wrong. Looking back, I’m so glad they made that suggestion. When I made the offer to mom, she eagerly accepted, and when I arrived, her demeanor was completely changed– she made jokes, laughed, was ready on time. She just seemed so excited for these hours of free time.
I was surprised that this one small act of service became such a turning point for us. She has grown to trust me and shares a lot of her life with me. And I have learned to let her lead. I arrive for our weekly meetings with a plan in mind, but ready to abandon it for anything she wants to do. We’ve gone for walks. I introduced her to the new ferry system in her neighborhood. I brought her a meal when I knew she was struggling with her budget. I find myself surprised that, despite the vast differences in our situations and personalities and even values, we are actually friends.