I would like to give the biggest thanks to so many people, wonderful people that have been a huge help to me and my children. Thank you is not enough, but I love to show my love and appreciation. I have to thank God first and foremost. He knew what I was going through and He brought wonderful people into my children’s lives, as well as into mine.
Thank you Hope for Tomorrow Counseling and my counselor, Sherry, for being supportive and introducing me to Safe Families for Children where I met Ruby, Sheree, and Patrick. They have gone out of their way with support and in showing that they are here for my children and me. I love you all!
If I needed food or diapers they had my back. SFFC provided families that have helped with my children when I needed a break, had an appointment, or when I needed to take care of something important. When I met the volunteer families with SFFC, I immediately knew my children would be safe. Being a single mother of four who is currently unemployed (but seeking work), I was naturally nervous because my children are my life. I take care of them with little help from anyone. SFFC provided the help I so desperately needed.
When my moving arrangements fell through just days before Christmas, SFFC, Thomas Road Baptist Church, and other volunteers paid for a moving truck and then did all the moving and setting up. They certainly could have been doing more important things with their families, especially because it was so close to Christmas, but they put our needs above their own. New beds were given to the three older children and we received a dining room table and chairs, as well as household items. We also had an extra special Christmas thanks to the gifts given to us by Pastor Allen Gregory and his Appomattox Baptist Temple congregation.
Though I do not like to ask for help and am not use to it, their help poured down on me and my children graciously, Thank you so much SFFC!
Through SFFC I met Cheryl. She has been a big help in many ways with resources and I am glad to have her in my life. She is my friend. Michelle and Dennis, volunteers with SFFC from Thomas Road Baptist Church have been invaluable. Michelle and Dennis’s daughter, Georgia, has helped several times to watch my children. Our actual SFFC host family, Jason and Donna Wells and their children, are true gifts from heaven. They not only have hosted my children, but their compassionate spirit is uplifting.
It seems very clear to me now that when I finally got to the point of seeking and accepting help really good things started happening for me and my children. Hope for Tomorrow, Safe Families for Children, Thomas Road Baptist Church, and Appomattox Baptist Temple have all provided amazing help and resources. Again, I thank you all and pray that you all continue to be blessed in order to be a blessing to others as you have been to me.
In faith,
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