We were hosting a sweet baby boy while the child welfare agency was investigating his mom. But yesterday we were overjoyed to receive a call that this precious child was allowed to go back to his mom! What a blessing! It turns out that he was removed from mom’s care because of a paperwork error. :( But she handled the situation with such grace! We are so thankful that God used us to speak hope and spread peace as we cared for her sweet baby.
I’m thankful to hear that our child welfare agency has begun to work even more closely with our local Safe Families chapter. This helps preserve families and intervene before situations turn for the worse. Sadly, if this relationship with Safe Families didn’t exist this sweet boy would have been placed in a foster home two weeks ago. This could have resulted in him not being returned to his mother for weeks or months, even though she was found innocent of all charges! Once a child is placed in the system getting them back can be very difficult. His mama would have had to jump through all kinds of hoops prolonging their separation.
All that to say, we believe so strongly in the work that this ministry is doing. Our suburban lives are so disconnected with the needs of those around us. I love how the through Safe Families, the Church is invited to do the work of the Church!
by Catherine L., a Host Mom with Safe Families for Children
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